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Optimus Red - Occupational Noise Sound Level Meter

Optimus Red Sound Level Meter
Optimus Red Sound Level Meter
Optimus Red Sound Level Meter Occupational Noise Measurements Measuring LAeq

Price List

CAD $2294.00
Integrating Sound Level Meter - Class 2
In stock

CAD $3102.00
Kit with Class 2 Integrating Sound Level Meter, Calibrator and Case
In stock
CAD $3741.00
Integrating Sound Level Meter - Class 1
In stock

CAD $4794.00
Kit with Class 1 Integrating Sound Level Meter, Calibrator and Case
In stock
CAD $677.00
Class 2 Sound Level Calibrator
In stock

CAD $940.00
Class 1 Sound Level Calibrator
In stock
CAD $115.00
DC Output Cable - 18 pin to phono, 1 m
Lead time 1 week

CAD $244.00
RS232 Cable - 18 pin to 9 pin D female
Lead time 1 week

CAD $197.00
Microphone extension cable 2 m
Lead time 1 week

CAD $233.00
Microphone extension cable 5 m
Lead time 1 week

CAD $290.00
Microphone extension cable 10 m
Lead time 1 week

CAD $357.00
Microphone extension cable 20 m
Lead time 1 week

The delivery price is calculated during checkout based on your location and the goods ordered. Our basic delivery prices are:

Delivery within Canada: $53.00

Delivery Service: Five working days*

* For products that are in stock and the order received by midday.

Some products go through a final configuration and calibration before being shipped. If the calibration labs are busy this can add up to two days on to the delivery schedule but guarantees a fresh calibration.

CAD $2294.00
Class 2 Integrating Sound Level Meter
In stock

CAD $3102.00
Kit with Class 2 Integrating Sound Level Meter, Calibrator and Case
In stock


  • Meets noise regulations and guidelines
  • Measures Leq, Lavg and LPeak
  • Quick and easy to use
  • Bluetooth and mobile app
  • Single range 20 to 140 dB
  • 15 Year Warranty


  • Occupational noise surveys
  • Hearing protection
  • Noise exposure assessments


The Optimus Red sound level meter is for measuring sound levels in factories and other work environments in line with the occupational noise regulations.

Let the meter take the strain - The Optimus Red has been designed specifically for occupational noise measurements. Rather than being a general purpose meter that leaves you trying to select the correct measurement range and parameters, the Optimus Red does it all for you, measuring all the measurements that you might need now and in the future.

Lower cost meters are available (even within our range), but they may not meet the standards demanded by the regulations and will not be Integrating as required for some occupational noise measurements. They will certainly not be so powerful or easy to use.

Buying the Right Meter

Most occupational noise regulations state that you should use at least a Class 2 Integrating Sound Level Meter that provides you with measurements of LAeq and LPeak. The meter should be verified by a suitably equipped laboratory when new and every year or two years. You also need a Calibrator to check the meter's function before making measurements.

Our Recommendation

For basic occupational noise measurements, we recommend the standard Optimus Red Class 2 (order code CR162A) with Calibrator (order code CR514). These parts can be ordered together as Noise Measurement Kit CK162A.

If you prefer to have data logging with download to a computer and reporting, please see the Optimus Red with Data Logging. For more detailed analysis and hearing protector selection see the Optimus Red with Octave Band Filters.

Optimus Red Noise Measurements

The Optimus Red Sound Level Meter measures all the parameters that are needed for an occupational noise survey. What's more, it measures them all at the same time, so there is no need to work out which measurements you need before starting.

It measures all parameters at the same time in a single measurement span:

  • LAeq, Lavg and Peak - the main occupational noise parameters
  • A, C and Z frequency weightings
  • LCeq - LAeq calculation for quick hearing protector selection


The meter's display shows the main parameters that are needed when making occupational noise measurements: LAeq or Lavg (average sound level), LPeak (maximum peak level) and the current sound level. With a button push or two, it can also show more detail, such as Dose %, LEPd, exposure, memory and calibration status.

The bar on the left of the display shows the current level, changing to yellow and then red when the sound level goes above the defined action levels (usually 80dBA and 85 dBA).

Occupational Noise

The Optimus Red was designed specifically for occupational noise measurements in line with the noise regulations. It provides all the noise measurement parameters that you need in a meter of the correct grade.

The overall process for making noise at work measurements consists of:

  • Calibration check
  • Make the measurements close to the point of noise exposure
  • Re-check calibration
  • Calculate noise exposure
calibrating the sound level meter
Calibration Check

1. Calibration Check

Most regulations and guidelines state that the meter's calibration should be checked before making measurements, and that you should keep records of these calibration checks.

Fit the Calibrator over the microphone as shown, switch it on and press the Calibrate button. The meter will automatically make any adjustments.

2. Making Measurements

To start a measurement, simply press the Start key, shown on the right.

The meter will start measuring the average and peak (the main parameters needed for occupational noise), along with a few other useful parameters.

When you are happy that you have measured for long enough (the average has settled for example), simply press the Stop key.

3. Final Calibration Check

Many occupational noise regulations recommend a second calibration check, at the end of the measurement process. This ensures the meter's performance hasn't drifted since the start.

4. Calculate Noise Exposure

When sound levels are found to be high, you must now calculate worker noise exposure or dose. This is done using the measured LAeq or Lavg and the length of time the worker is exposed for.

Optimus Red Options

There are not too many options for the Optimus Red sound level meter, as even the basic model includes all the parameters that you need for occupational noise measurements. The data logging and octave band options can be added at a later date without having to return the meter, so you can decide later if you are unsure at the moment.

The main options are:

  • Class 1 or Class 2? - Most occupational noise regulations say Class 2 is adequate.
  • Calibrator - The noise at work regulations state that you should have a calibrator.
  • Noise Measurement Kit - These include meter, calibrator and a carrying case.

Sound Level Calibrator

The most important of the accessories is the Calibrator. The regulations state that you should use one to check the function of the meter before and after making any measurements.

Class 1 or Class 2?

A Class 1 sound level meter is a little more accurate than a Class 2 model. It is also more expensive. If you are using the meter exclusively for occupational noise measurements then the regulations are quite clear: Class 2 is adequate. For this reason we recommend the Class 2 model.

However, if you need to make other noise measurements, such as noise emitting from your factory into the local environment, then it might be wise to go for a Class 1 meter. In these instances the local authority (Environmental Health Officer for example) will usually expect measurements made with a Class 1 meter.

Other Options

There are many models of sound level meter in the Optimus range, from a basic sound level meter to an advanced data logging, integrating meter with 1/3 octaves and many analysis modules. The most common additions to the Optimus Red are for data logging (download to a computer) and octave band filters. If you are unsure at this stage then these options can be added at a later date, some remotely and some by returning the meter to us.

Data Logging

With this option fitted the meter stores a summary of each measurement along with a time history (gives a graph of the noise levels throughout the measurement). It comes with software and download cable.

A very useful option as it makes storing results and presenting reports easier. This option can be added at a later date without returning the meter.

If you need this option then please see the Optimus red with Data Logging page.

Octave Bands

With this option fitted, the meter splits the spectrum into bands to provide information about the frequency content. Meters with the Octave Band option always have the Data Logging option fitted too.

The option is very useful when monitoring areas with very high noise levels. The octave band measurements are used by the software to calculate the level at the ear when wearing different hearing protectors. This option can be added at a later date without returning the meter.

For this option please visit the Optimus Red with Octave Band Filters page.

StandardsIEC 61672-1:2013 Class 1 or Class 2
IEC 61672-1:2002 Class 1 or Class 2 Group X
IEC 60651:2001 Type 1 I or Type 2 I
IEC 60804:2000 Type 1 or Type 2
IEC 61252:1993 personal sound exposure meters
ANSI S1.4 -1983 (R2006), ANSI S1.43 - 1997 (R2007), ANSI S1.25:1991
IEC 61260:1996 & ANSI S1.11-2004
DIN 45657:2005-03
Measurement Range20dB to 140dB RMS single range
Noise floor<18dB(A) Class 1, <21dB(A) Class 2
Frequency weightingsRMS & peak : A, C, & Z measured simultaneously
Time weightingsFast, Slow & Impulse measured simultaneously
IntegratorsThree simultaneous “virtual” noise meters. Integrator 1 is preset to Q3 for Leq functions. Integrators 2 & 3 can be configured with the following
Exchange rate3, 4 or 5 dB
Threshold70dB to 120dB (1 dB steps)
Time weightingNone or Slow
Criterion level70dB to 120dB (1 dB steps)
Criterion time1 to 12 hours in 1 hour steps
Integrator quick settingsEU, OSHA HC & OSHA NC, OSHA HC & ACGIH, MSHA HC & MSHA EC, Custom
Size283mm x 65mm x 30mm
Power4 x AA alkaline
Typically 12 hours with alkaline AA
Typically 20 hours with lithium AA non-rechargeable
External power: 5v-15v via MultiIO socket via ZL:171 cable (2.1mm socket)
OutputsAC & DC output via ZL:174 (2 x Phono, 1m)
Multi-pin IO for external power via ZL:171 cable (2.1mm socket)
Bluetooth BLE compatible with Anrdoid and iOS devices
CaseMaterial: high impact ABS-PC with soft touch back and keypad
Tripod mount1/4" Whitworth socket
EnvironmentalTemperature: Operating -10°C to +50°C, storage -20°C to +60°C
Humidity: Up to 95% RH non-condensing
Electromagnetic performanceIEC 61672-1:2002, IEC 61672-2:2003, IEC 61672-1:2013 & IEC 61672-2:2013
Except where modified by EN 61000-6-1:2007 & EN 61000-6-1:2007
Language OptionsEnglish, French, German, Spanish, Italian
Display functionsLXY, LXYMax, LXYMin, LXeq, LCPeak, LZPeak, LCeq-LAeq, LXE
Graph of short LAeq, LCPeak, TWA, dose%, est dose%
Measurement run time
where x=A ,C ,Z; y= F, S, I

Product Reviews - Optimus Red - Occupational Noise Sound Level Meter

Review count: 1. Average rating: 5.0

★★★★★ 5 star rating

Verified NoiseMeters customer, Thu Aug 10 2023

Really good sound meter and excellent service all round. These guys make hiring a real pleasure.


Reply Thu Aug 10 2023
Hi Charles, thank you for your review and comments. Best regards, Mike


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